
A Message From Our President

November 14, 2005

A big Thank You to all of you for your focused effort to make yesterday's party a grand time, --- from your outreach efforts, to the layout/setup/cleanup, the beautiful Fall arrangement on the dessert table, the 8 x 10 pictures for the table, the neat new forms which were created & printed, the two new signs which were prepared to guide folks to our dances, the wonderful desserts, the excellent SD calling and grand help with new membership completion. As our first HTS-sponsored event, we would pronounce it a "huge success." We had a total of 75 folks who attended; there were twenty-eight guests and forty-seven HTS members. Twelve of our guests joined as HTS members. Several others will join our January 31, 2006 SD class & will also hopefully become members. For those unable to attend -- we'll have other fun times. The one remark repeatedly heard which is most worth mentioning is something along the line of: "You folks are friendly, really know how to mix, and really know how to have fun." Again, thanks!           Lloyd & Connie
